I popped into one of my CVS stores (I can walk to it) to scope out the inventory but I'm waiting until Sunday to do any deals because I want to get the newspaper (or papers, as you'll see) for free.
I have come up with two scenarios - one makes more money, but one includes things that I actually need. ;) It all depends on what's in stock on Sunday and how I feel that day, I suppose. Remember, I have $20.96 in ECBs right now.
Plan A
3x toothbrush = 11.97
2x toothpaste = 5.98
1x deodorant = $4.99
1x Orapik Traveler = $2.79
1x toilet paper = $0.89
1x Newspaper = $2.50
- $3/$15
- $3 (toothbrushes)
- $2 (toothpaste)
About $21 - low OOP.
Get back $25.73.
This would work all month - and just so you know, the $2.50 is for the double Sunday paper - 2x the coupons! I buy that every week.
Plan B (more likely- updated...)
3x toothbrush = 11.97
3x toothpaste = 8.97
1x pantyhose (need for an event on May 10) - $3.75 (approx.)
1x tissues - 50 cents (may not need, depending on hose price)
1x deodorant - $4.99 (if in stock - otherwise 2x newspaper)
- $3/$15
- $3 (toothbrushes)
- $3 (toothpaste)
About $21 again. ($20.98 if my calculations are exact, but the hose might be a bit more.)
If getting the deodorant, get back $25.93, use $4.99 from deodorant to buy 2x newspaper - I can try this on Friday or Saturday and then do the $4.99/newspaper on Sunday.
This deal also would work all month, but this week I really want the extra coupons as there are a few I'd use for sure.
I also have a Plan C for my other card that has a higher OOP but is the best money maker I came up with... (This would have to be for this weekend since the $5/$30 is only good until Sunday. It was sent directly to me to use with this card, and it has my name on it. :) )
3x toothbrush = 11.97
2x toothpaste = 5.98
2x newspaper = 5
4 Johnsons Bath Buddies = 3.96
CVS Non-Drowsy - $3.79*
= $30.70
- 4 (Johnsons - each soap is 99 cents, the coupons are for $1, I could have problems if the cashier doesn't know how to deal with this)
- 3 (toothbrushes)
- 2 (toothpaste)
- 5 (5/30 - this is the reason this deal is so good - this + the Bath Buddies...)
= $16.70
-12 ECBs
$4.70 OOP plus tax
Get back $21.74
*I am reluctant to do this as I could instead buy 3 of these at once, use a $2/$10 CVS coupon, and make a separate profit later in the month when I need to roll things - so we'll see. I am still trying to keep my OOP low and I don't really need the deodorant - wish I had that free coupon for it! - but I could get one of those instead for higher OOP/higher ECB return.